Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Those who have chosen to use Tazorac need to respect the properties of the chemical tazarotene. It can make the skin very sensitive. A person using Tazorac should stay out of the sun and should stay clear of any artificially produced UV light.

A person who is using Tazorac might find that he or she has become especially sensitive to cold or hot temperatures. Such a discovery should not become a reason for usingTazorac on a less frequent basis. If skin with acne mediations does not enjoy the application of a tazarotene compound at least once a day, that skin will continue to display acne symptoms.

There are times when a person with acne should avoid using Tazorac. If a woman is thinking about becoming pregnant, she should never start taking Tazorac. A young female who is taking Tazorac might consider using some form of contraception.

A young woman who is planning to start taking Tazorac should initiate that use during her period; in that way she can be more certain that she is not yet pregnant. A woman who is breast feeding should not takeTazorac. Under certain conditions, both men and women need to avoid taking Tazorac.

Any person with sunburn should not use Tazorac. Any person with eczema or other skin condition (other than acne) should not use Tazorac. Anyone who is taking an herbal supplement or vitamins should avoid using Tazorac.

Once someone has initiated use of Tazorac, then he or she should adhere to an unwritten set of "rules." First, a person using Tazorac should not put a bandage over the area of skin to which the Tazorac cream has been applied. Next, he or she must pay close attention to the substances that might get on the fingers. Those fingers might later touch the face to which theTazorac has been applied.

If someone who has been taking Tazorac touches alcohol and then touches his or her face, unexpected problems could crop up. If someone who has been taking Tazorac has touched an astringent, such as a cleaning solution, and has then touched his or her face, that Tazorac user could expect to deal with some unpleasant consequences.YV8Y9BJS4RNT

Spices, lime peel, medicated soaps, medicated shampoos and hair waxes can all interact with Tazorac, causing the appearance of unexpected reactions, reactions that do not work to rid the body of acne.

* original content from mr. steve , article from , please let me know if i need to remove this entry . thanks

Price on Tazorac

As referred from , the following are the list price on tazorac cream :-

30gram ; $51.99 (US Price) ; $61.99 (ship to Australia, Canada, Mauritius, NZ, Singapore, Turkey, UK )

for tazorac cheap price , you can always find it from .

Acne Cream Tazorac

Acne is a common skin disease that causes blackheads, pimples. Pimples form when hair follicles under the skin are plugged up. Most pimples appear on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders. Anyone can get acne, but is common in adolescents and young adults.

A pore gets clogged up and closes, but above the surface of the skin, it produces a white dot. If a pore gets clogged but stays open, the top surface can darken and a blackhead. Sometimes the wall of the pore opens, allowing sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells open passage beneath the skin, which produces a small red infection called grain. Clogged pores that open to a very deep level of skin can cause nodules, which are infected lumps or cysts larger than grains and can be painful.

If when you look in the mirror and see that you have a pimple on the face, do not touch it or squeeze it or pick at. This may be difficult, since it can be very tempting to try to get him out. But if you play around with pimples can increase inflammation picking, or opening them. In addition, the oil from your hands can not! However, the most important thing is to dig small grains can leave permanent scars on the face.

Nobody knows exactly what causes acne. It is likely that hormonal changes, such as those that occur during adolescence or pregnancy, have some connection with his appearance.

There are many myths about the causes of acne. Often blamed chocolate and foods with high fat content, but in most cases there is little evidence that food has any effect on acne. Neither sexual activity or masturbation worsen acne. Another common belief is that dirty skin can promote acne, but blackheads and pimples are not caused by dirt. Stress does not cause acne, but may make it worse. Also it worse: oil-based makeup, gels and hair sprays, are to be used as far away as possible from the face.

Here are some hygiene measures in case you have acne:

• Clean your skin gently
• Try not to touch your skin
• Avoid sun

What can my doctor prescribe?

Although there are products such as (Acne Cream Tazorac) on the market that does not require a prescription, it would be advisable to consult as soon as possible to your doctor and that products are obtained without a prescription can cause side effects such as skin irritation, burning or redness in some people.

Your doctor may recommend antibiotics, which can be very effective for the treatment of acne. They can be taken by mouth or used on the skin as a lotion, cream or gel.

If you use a retinoid must avoid the sun or use a strong sunscreen because this medicine increases the risk of sunburn. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not use a retinoid called tazarotene-brand name: Tazorac (Acne Cream Tazorac), because it can cause birth defects.

Therefore, you should follow your doctor's instructions and that they are able to help make your skin look its best. As referred from Tazorac website;

"TAZORAC® is a retinoid, a type of prescription drug you spread on your skin. The prescription part is important—that means you can’t just grab it off a shelf. You have to see a doctor and get a prescription, take it to a drugstore, take home TAZORAC® Cream or Gel 0.1% and use it exactly like the doc or druggist tells you. Yeah, that’s a bit of effort. But the effort is worth it.

Unlike over-the-counter products, TAZORAC® Cream and Gel 0.1% are FDA prescriptions."

People with acne problem and had use Acne Cream Tazorac give a very good feedback on this products and most of them believe this product should be recommended to the others who had similar problem

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Acne Vulgaris, experts confirm, is a disease whose etiology is universal and classically considered as a primary disorder of the pilosebaceous unit in which four factors A dermatologist has to spend much time on the first visit of a young man to get acne the patient feel comfortable and trust the professional. We must explain the concept which now has this condition, assuring him that modern medicine is well aware of this condition and there are many treatments to get the "control" of their injuries.

Acne vulgaris is a disease whose etiology is traditionally regarded as a primary disorder of the pilosebaceous unit, characterized clinically by recurrent episodes of inflammation, the presence of comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, abscesses, cysts and acne production cicatrices.En vulgar involving four factors namely:

1 - Obstruction of the pilosebaceous canal by hyperkeratosis of the excretory duct.

2 - Altered production of sebum (quantitative and / or qualitative).

3 - Biochemical changes in the surface lipids.

4 - Modification of the bacterial flora.

All these changes are directly or indirectly regulated by the levels of androgens produced at the gonadal, adrenal and peripheral tissues. The four factors are joined together resulting in acne inflammatory complications.

But what remains unclear is the first step of the process and why there are so conspicuous differences in the degree of injury between a patient and another. Probably the primary change is the alteration of the normal pattern of follicular keratinization, hyperkeratosis-keratosis determining follicular canal and consequently obstruct the pilosebaceous unit is the production of basic acne lesion: the comedo. As pathogenic variant of this traditional concept arises the theory of "primary deficiency of pantothenic acid.

We know the crucial role of this vitamin in many metabolic pathways and involved in the formation of coenzyme A and acyl carrier protein. The deficit in the AP cause, for example, impaired biosynthesis and oxidation of certain fatty acids. Well known skin changes due to this vitamin deficiency: hyperkeratosis, dermatitis, alopecia and graying prematuro.Cabe noted that the AP has a wide distribution in animal and plant tissues (hence the name is given as in Greek "pantos" means "everywhere"). Its deficiency is considered a rarity, due to the abundance of this vitamin in food.

Probably some patients with acne suffer a disruption in the absorption or metabolism of this substance.

Obstruction of the pilosebaceous canal: hyperkeratinization
Patients with acne have a Hypercornification manifested clinically by closed and open comedones. The cause is not clear to the classical hypothesis: the androgenic effect promote the irritant action of sebum lipids on the follicular canal. Early changes seen in the area infrainfundibular: there is increased epithelial proliferation and corneal cells are stuck together, unable to detach, the keratinous material becomes increasingly dense and disorganized and keratohyalin granules are increased. This leads to a hyperkeratosis of "retention" forming a true plug corneum. The walls of the dilating end infrainfundĂ­bulo and thus constitutes the first lesion of acne: the closed comedo or whitehead. Hyperkeratosis is also seen at the mouth of the sebaceous gland. This results in the retention of sebum that the channel and gradually distends the gland. If the channel closed terms, the lesion is also evident as a closed comedo. The comedones normally contain tiny hairs and germs responsible for the inflammatory reaction. Note that the keratin is a powerful natural irritant.

The hydration of keratin decreases follicular orifice and thus aggravating the acne: this accounts for the exacerbation of lesions in patients who work in laundries and kitchens. Perhaps this also justifies the increase in acne lesions in relation to the menstrual cycle: there has been a worsening of the same in the last week of the cycle, after the days when the canal is tighter because of the hydration keratin.

Bacterial Colonization
In acne there is an increase in sebum production compared with normal people. This not only depends on the sebaceous gland, but must be other hormone-like factors, bacterial or "metabolic" to play its role in the evolution of acne proceso.Probablemente begin at puberty as a result of a stimulation androgénica.Existen data that indicate that the fat plays an important role in this disease:

* You comedogenic: squalene, for example, has a great capacity to generate a microenvironment favorable for bacterial colonization and the production of comedones. It was found that saturated fatty acids of 10 a20C have the same capacity.

* It was found that the sebum of acne patients has decreased levels of linoleic acid. This expense would lead to ductal hyperkeratosis. It was also found an increase in the amount of squalene, a decrease of some free fatty acids and triglycerides increased in the surface lipids of acne patients.

* The controls acne by inhibiting sebaceous gland by different mechanisms of estrogen and androgen administration. Radiotherapy reduces sebum production.

* Free fatty acids are the most important fraction of tallow for the production of inflammation on todolos C8-C14 chain. For the reasons previously cited it appears that in periods of seborrhea is exacerbated acne, but it must be remembered that patients with seborrhea have no acne.

All About Acne Treatments

The dermatologist has to spend much time on the first visit of a young acne to make the patient feel comfortable and trust the professional. We must explain the concept which now has this condition, assuring him that modern medicine is well aware of this condition and there are many treatments to get the "control" of their injuries.

Acne Treatment in which there is only comedones (Acne Grade I)
The acne grade I is frequent at the beginning of puberty. Some patients persist with this type of acne and never develop papules. The drug of choice for the treatment of acne grade I is retinoic acid.

Treatment of inflammatory acne (acne Grade II acne papules and grade III with pustules)
Benzoyl peroxide: is the most commonly used medication in the treatment of acne grade II and III. It has a bactericidal effect. It is very irritating and may cause erythema and peeling in the first weeks of use.

Oral antibiotic treatment
If the inflammatory acne does not improve after 8 weeks of local treatment or if the patient presents initially with an extensive inflammatory acne antibiotic treatment must be provided orally

Management of nodular acne (acne grade IV)
This type of acne should be treated aggressively because significant scarring. The treatment of choice is isotretinoin VO. This drug can cure approximately 70% of patients with acne.

Acne fighting tips

There are some tips that can help solve your acne problem. It is important to pay attention to the daily practices that you do in your own home in this part of the site stated.

Hygienic habits for the treatment of Acne
Whatever the cause of acne or the type of skin affected, the first rule to remember is that of hygiene. Good hygiene can help to decrease acne

Realizate a facial periodically
Opt for a regular facial cleansing with an expert, in addition to keeping your skin clean, will return muscle tone, freshness and youth.
The full story tell you what the process of a facial with a specialist.

Tips to Combat Acne
In this note we try to give you more advice so you can get rid of pimples and blackheads that bother you so much.

Carefully review each of the insurance advice and much help you fight acne and get rid of the forever.

Adult Acne Treatment.
The acne in adults can be caused by blocked hair follicles to overactive oil glands, bacteria, or some other unknown causes.
Some known causes that can aggravate adult acne are psychological and emotional stress, among other factors.

Myths and Facts about Acne

Acne Myth # 1: The best way to end the grains is burst them
Move away from the mirror! Some people will tell you that if you bust the grains will be felt less and heal faster, but they're wrong. Popping or squeezing the grains causes the germs to enter deeper into your skin, which could cause more redness, pain, and even a nasty infection. And if you burst the grains could stay scars that may last you a lifetime.

If you ever get pimples in the wrong moment .... for example, before a big event like a party? talk to your parents to take you to your own doctor or a doctor called a dermatologist who specializes in treating acne. The doctor can help control acne.

Acne Myth # 2: Eating fried foods or chocolate can cause acne.

No. That chocolate you ate last night or the slice of pizza from last week are not responsible for the grain that appeared today in your face. The cause of acne is not what you eat, but this does not mean you can eat all the junk food you want. If you eat lots of fruits, vegetables, cereals and dairy products low fat you'll feel good and keep the rest of your body strong and healthy.

Acne Myth # 3: The Tanning clear up acne.
Sun does not improve your acne. When you spend time outdoors and your skin tans, it is possible that the redness caused by acne is less noticeable for a short time. But when your tan is gone, the beans are still there. And in the sun without adequate protection may dry, irritate or burn your skin (not to mention increasing the risk of developing wrinkles and skin cancer in the future).

Before heading outdoors, protect your skin with a sunscreen containing a sun protection factor (SPF marked on the label) of at least 15. It uses a mark "non-comedogenic" or "no acnegenic", which means that since not clog your pores, will not worsen your acne. Do not forget to wear a hat and sunglasses when you are outdoors to keep your skin in shape. And if you ever thought about tanning beds, here are some facts about them: they are tedious, costly and dangerous because they increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

Acne Myth No. 4: You can rid of acne if you wash your face more often.

Washing your face regularly is a good idea because it helps remove dead skin cells, excess oil and dirt from the surface of the skin. But washing too much or rub the skin too hard can dry or irritate your skin, which will worsen the acne.

What is the best skin care strategy? As a general rule, gently wash your face no more than twice a day with a mild soap or cleanser. After washing, dry the skin gently with a soft towel. Do not use scrubs because it is likely to irritate your pimples. Also avoid products with alcohol because they can dry and irritate the skin.

Acne Myth No. 5: If you want to avoid acne, do not wear makeup.

Young skin looks great without makeup. But if you like cosmetics, make sure to choose products that are "non-comedogenic" or "no acnegenic."

This means that the product does not clog your pores or cause breakouts. Some cosmetics even have acne-fighting ingredients like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. If in doubt, ask your parents or a doctor.

Acne Myth 6: If you are going grains, the use of more drugs control them.
If you use too much medication to end your pimples, your skin may become dry or irritated. If you bought an acne product at your local pharmacy or if you are using something prescribed by a doctor, be sure to follow the instructions carefully.
If OTC medications do not help with your acne problem, talk to your parents. You may need to see your doctor or a dermatologist who can prescribe other medications to help clear the skin.
It may take up to eight weeks before you notice an improvement. If the notes, talk to your doctor and he will make the necessary adjustments. But do not increase the dose of medication on your own, because if you use more medicine is prescribed which you may experience unpleasant side effects or even dangerous.

How to remove scars from Acne

The scars caused by acne are the result of some degree of acne in which there was an infection and inflammation and was never healed properly.

Importantly, the severity of the scars depends largely on the ability of the skin to heal itself, obviously capacity varies from person to person and depends on the genes.
Some people by skin type and your genetics obviously have an innate ability to heal quickly and completely. Others however have sensitive skin that is easily irritated and creates more scarring. These people should take more precautions to prevent the early formation of the unwanted scars or to reduce them.

Luckily today the scars caused by acne are treatable and there are several very effective techniques to completely eliminate these heinous marks bother both women and men around the world.

It is also important to clarify that the black spots or white no scarring whatsoever.
As explained in the first paragraph the scars are caused when the pimples or blackheads become infected and inflamed and there is no proper treatment in time.

That is why to prevent these infections and therefore should not extraerte scars pimples or blackheads yourself. If no precautions are running the risk of introducing bacteria and infect the comedones and thereby develop scars.

Types of Acne Scars
In general terms one can say that there are two types of scars:
Calls pigmented scars and commonly called "holes" or "wells" in the skin.

Scars Pigmented stains are pink or brown coloration that persist after the pimples disappear. This is the result of pigment concentration on the grain when it is already healing.
The darker the skin of the person with acne problems (although these types of skin are much less prone to acne) easier to develop this type of scarring.
The "holes" or "wells" They are literally small holes in the skin. They are more common in people with fair skin.
These scars are the result of severely inflamed pimples with pus. The best way to avoid these scars is to go to a dermatologist or professional cosmetologist because if you squeeze yourself with pus grains almost certainly be able to generate this kind of scar on your face.

Juvenile Acne (Acne in Adolescence)

Acne Vulgaris (acne of adolescence) is one of the most common disorders of the skin and affects nearly 85% of the population between 12 and 25. There are other varieties of acne, but are much less common and will not be developed in this content.
Acne has a significant hereditary component. Its peak incidence is at 14 years for females and 16 males, who are more frequent and severe.

Its clinical presentation does not provide diagnostic difficulties or the doctor or patient. Contributes significantly to the scope psychosocial problems such as depression, anxiety and isolation. Successful management of acne is, therefore, of vital importance to the practice of family doctor.

Acne lesions develop from a structure called the pilosebaceous unit. It is formed by the association of sebaceous glands in the hair follicle. Acne vulgaris is a chronic disorder of the pilosebaceous unit that occurs mainly on the face, back and chest. These are areas of highest density of pilosebaceous units.
The pathogenesis is: androgens stimulate sebum production, which in turn determines a germ that grow anaerobic part of the normal flora:

Propionibacterium acnes. This splits the fat into glycerol and fatty acids, which would be responsible for the hyperkeratinization (overgrowth of the epidermis) and the impairment of the desquamation of follicular epithelium. This process leads to plug formation and inflammation, represented clinically by erythematous papules and comedones.
Fr acnes can cause an inflammatory response that leads to the formation of pustules and, if there is an exaggerated response of cysts and nodules.

Some authors believe that acne is not a disease but a normal developmental process with functions related to a subconscious olfactory communication system of the human species. It is unknown why improvement in almost all patients in their 20s and disappears before age 25, taking into account that sebum production remains the same and P. acnes does not disappear from the surface of the skin (only 1% of men and 5% of women have acne at 40 years).

Evaluation of adolescent patients with acne.
The interview of the patient with acne should be framed on the principles developed in the class of adolescents. The family doctor can occupy an important place in the management of these patients since it knows the family and patient. While acne is a benign entity, can be devastating from the standpoint of psychosocial.

Therefore, the most interesting aspect of the assessment of acne is to determine how the disease is concerned about the patient. To assess how concerned the acne (and, consequently, how aggressive the treatment) is necessary to use indirect questions like: Who is more worried about acne, you or your parents?, Have you ever not because you went somewhere acne was wrong?, etc. Many times the doctor has a misleading impression of the concern that each patient with acne.

For example, a 14 year old boy with severe acne can be annoying and a little girl of 16 years with few comedones may be very concerned and willing to do everything possible to control them.
The examination of patients with acne is very important. You must ask yourself at great length about the treatments to fight acne previously used and the circumstances that aggravate acne (menstruation, certain foods, etc.)..

It is also important to know whether the patient is receiving medication that may exacerbate or cause acne (corticosteroids, lithium, iodine, phenytoin, anabolic steroids and high doses of vitamin B2, B6 and B12). Oral contraceptives may improve acne, but those are high in progesterone can exacerbate it.


There is evidence that the severity of acne is a risk factor for suicide in adolescents and that individuals with acne have higher rates of unemployment.
Since acne is a benign self-limiting disease many physicians do not nest within their clinical practice. However, if not treated properly and can leave emotional scars on the skin that can last a lifetime.
One should not underestimate the psychological impact of acne in patients. As a general rule, the physician should think that this organization cares more teenagers than they recognize in the office.

Introduction to Acne

There is no doubt that during adolescence, the excessive aesthetics of the acne becomes a critic of the self-esteem. Many teens, though the "big" do not understand, they are emotionally paralyzed by this problem and are difficult to interact with their peers.

Acne is the most common dermatosis, affecting 80% of the world population at some point in their lives. It is inconceivable that many people, including doctors, do not give this disease the attention it deserves, appealing generally to household treatments, often with negative results and to catastrophic.

Understanding the Acne
Acne is a skin disease of the hair follicle, from self-limited multifactorial etiology that primarily affects the skin areas with the highest density of sebaceous glands, from which we can include face, chest and upper back.

Causes a set of elementary lesions including comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and scars, whose presence will depend on the shape and intensity of clinical manifestation.

Although it is difficult to estimate prevalence, we could say that in Spain, between 2.5 and 3.5 million have some degree of acne, which makes it one of the most common skin diseases. Have a higher prevalence at puberty and adolescence, although it is not uncommon in children and adults. It occurs most often in Caucasians than in black or Oriental.

In adolescence appears to be more male, however in later ages, the ratio is reversed and the lesions may persist for more years or so later manifest itself many years, some doctors have considered the acne as "things age ", or banal and physiological process that requires no treatment.

This view has now changed, as the acne scars of a wrongly diagnosed and treated can become really important and limitations from the point of view of quality of life of the subject.

So we are now more aware of the need for an accurate diagnosis of each type of acne seeking proper treatment and individualized for each patient.

In Synthesis

Acne occurs when skin pores become blocked because the fat and skin cells accumulate faster than it can go. The blockage causes a follicle bulge (causing whiteheads) and the top of the obstruction may darken (causing blackheads). If the obstruction causes a break in the wall of the follicle, dead skin cells, fat and bacteria, normally found on the surface of the skin, can penetrate and form small infected areas called pustules. If these infected areas are deep in the skin may increase in size until it forms firm, painful cysts.

Acne is not caused by dirt, masturbation or other activities, but the dirt and grease on the face can aggravate the condition. Other factors that increase the chances of acne are hormonal changes, exposure to extreme weather conditions, stress, oily skin, endocrine disorders, certain tumors and the use of certain medications (such as cortisone, testosterone, estrogen and others).

Psoriasis and Pregnancy

Many psoriasis patients are afraid to pass the disease to their children. Since psoriasis is not contagious, there is no risk that it would be sent, or stroking the baby to breastfeed. However, there is a genetic predisposition to psoriasis. According to studies, the risk of transmission when the parent gets from 8 to 15% and if both parents are affected is 50 to 60%.

Childhood Psoriasis

to appear in childhood psoriasis in 15% of cases, and before 20 years in one of every three cases. It is a non-contagious chronic skin disease that develops from a specific genetic predisposition. The environmental factors that cause may be external (such as seasonal changes or clothing in contact with the skin) or internal (such as infectious diseases, emotional stress and some drugs).

The clinical symptoms of psoriasis in children usually resemble the adult. However, the condition tends to take in children atypical shapes that can make diagnosis difficult. Some children dermatosis affecting the buttocks, eyelids and scalp closely resemble psoriasis.

Psoriasis Treatments

Psoriasis treatment focuses on symptom control and prevention of secondary infections of the skin. There is no treatment to cure psoriasis, but nevertheless we will use a therapeutic measure or another depending on the extent and severity of the disorder.

Psoriasis that covers all or most of the body is an emergency that requires hospitalization. The body loses large amounts of fluid and is susceptible to severe secondary infections that may become systemic, involve internal organs and even progress to septic shock and death.

Root causes of Psoriasis

Although the specific origin is unknown psoriasis, it is known that is a genetic disease. In fact, it has located the gene whose alteration affects the appearance of psoriasis. We also know that is an inherited disease. If one of the two parents is psoriatic, one in eight children may suffer. If both parents are affected, the probability is one in every four.

However, not being a psoriatic, children will be. It can also happen to be inherited genetic alteration, but not develop the disease because it involves both exogenous (external) in its appearance.

Diagnosis of Psoriasis

The diagnosis of the condition is usually not difficult because the plates are recognizable by a visual inspection, which does not mean that in some cases more complex and has to resort to biopsy. Still, it is important that the diagnosis of psoriasis is performed by a doctor or dermatologist.

Once the correct diagnosis can prescribe it only considers the most appropriate treatment according to the characteristics of psoriasis and the patient.

Diagnosis of Psoriasis

The diagnosis of the condition is usually not difficult because the plates are recognizable by a visual inspection, which does not mean that in some cases more complex and has to resort to biopsy. Still, it is important that the diagnosis of psoriasis is performed by a doctor or dermatologist.

Once the correct diagnosis can prescribe it only considers the most appropriate treatment according to the characteristics of psoriasis and the patient.

Psoriasis is meant by

Psoriasis is a skin disease, chronic, characterized by the appearance of areas of inflamed reddish color that are covered with silvery scales, a kind of bright, that are particularly on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back. Grows in clumps, with periods of exacerbation alternating with less active. It is not an infectious or contagious disease is not usually fatal or causes serious consequences, although in severe cases can have a significant social impact.

The Acne

Acne is a common skin disorder that results in the formation of pimples, pimples and blackheads. " In severe cases, can be disfiguring boils and abscesses forming subdermal routes that can result in disfiguring scars. It is more common in young, but may occur at any age. Usually begins at puberty and may last for many years. Three out of four teenagers may have some degree of acne, probably caused by hormonal changes that stimulate the sebaceous glands of the skin.

There are four factors that characterize acne:

Overproduction of sebum

Peeling abnormal follicular epithelial cells (corneal cap.)
Proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes)
Inflammation caused by pro-inflammatory substances produced by P. Acnes
The sebum or skin oil produced by sebaceous glands in the follicles to lubricate the skin. If the duct of the gland that reaches the skin is covered, the result may be pimples or acne. Some cosmetics stimulate acne, especially if they are acids. Drugs to prevent epilepsy, birth control pills and steroids also increase the acne.

While no one knows the cause, it is believed that acne is due to increased male hormones (androgens) that stimulate the sebaceous glands and the presence of bacteria on the skin.

There are a variety of injuries caused by acne, and are:

Surface discoloration
Dermal Channels
Injuries punch
Multiple sinus tracts
Subcutaneous atrophy

Acne is not caused by dirt, masturbation or other activities, but the dirt and grease on the face can aggravate the condition. Other factors that increase the chances of acne are hormonal changes, exposure to extreme weather conditions, stress, oily skin, endocrine disorders, certain tumors and the use of certain medications (such as cortisone, testosterone, estrogen and others).

Acne is not contagious and seems to have a familial tendency in its development. The present trend may persist until their thirties and early forties.

The diagnosis is based primarily on the appearance of the skin and usually does not require any special consideration.

Treatment: Treatment is directed at preventing the formation of new lesions and heal past injuries.

Acne There are various treatments, including topical antibiotics and systemic, lotions, and products of potent systemic and the derivative of Vitamin A, isotretinoin, useful under strict control by the specialist, side effects and contraindications exist.

Topical medications dried fat and promote the removal of the skin. They may contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or derivatives of vitamin A (retinoids).

Antibiotics may be prescribed (such as tetracycline or erythromycin). Topical antibiotics (applied in a localized area of the skin), such as clindamycin or erythromycin are also used to control the infection.

Note: Oral tetracycline is usually not prescribed for children until after they have all permanent teeth, because it can discolor forever in your training.

It has been shown that analogues of synthetic vitamin A (isotretinoin, Accutane) are beneficial in the treatment of severe acne. However, pregnant women and sexually active adolescents should not take this medicine because it may have serious birth defects.


Skin Abscess
Permanent facial scars
Changes in skin color
The psychological self-esteem, confidence, personality and social life
Side effects of Accutane (including liver damage and fetus)
Side effects other medicines

Treatment is directed at preventing the formation of new lesions, and also to heal past injuries.

Topical medications dried fat and promote the removal of the skin. They may contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or derivatives of vitamin A (retinoids).

Antibiotics may be prescribed (such as tetracycline or erythromycin). Topical antibiotics (applied in a localized area of the skin), such as clindamycin or erythromycin are also used to control the infection. Note: Oral tetracycline is usually not prescribed for children until after they have all permanent teeth, because it can discolor forever in your training.

It has been shown that analogues of synthetic vitamin A (isotretinoin, Accutane) are beneficial in the treatment of severe acne. However, pregnant women and sexually active adolescents should not take this medicine: it may have serious birth defects.

Surgical intervention may include professional shave (chemical) skin, removal of eruptions or scars (dermabrasion), or removal and / or drainage of cysts.

Sun exposure over short periods can relieve acne, but not recommended excessive exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet rays because it increases the risk of skin cancer.

The home treatment can decrease the effects of acne:

Skin should be cleaned thoroughly with mild soap and water, removing any dirt or makeup. The skin should be washed as frequently as necessary to control the fat, at least daily or after exercise.

Wash the hair with shampoo when possible and, if necessary, try using a dandruff shampoo.

It must be combed back his hair to keep it out of the face.

Avoid pressure, scratch, pick or rub the injury, as this can increase the damage to the skin. It is also advisable to wash your hands before and after treating the skin lesions to reduce the chance of infection.

Do not rest your face in her hands, as this irritates the skin.

It is recommended to identify and avoid anything that aggravates acne. Although there is no evidence that any substance is the cause of acne triggers may include: food, lotions, makeup, etc. Avoid greasy cosmetics or creams that can make acne worse.


Tazorac is made use of to treat acne, psoriasis, and symptoms and signs of untimely aging of the skin sourced by overexposure to the sun referred to as photodamage. Usage of Tazorac helps acne by maintenance of clear skin pores. Even though the results will differ, improvement in the Tazorac treated skin initiates in about two weeks. Do not discontinue with Tazorac medication without a prior consulting with your doctor.