Saturday, May 15, 2010

Introduction to Acne

There is no doubt that during adolescence, the excessive aesthetics of the acne becomes a critic of the self-esteem. Many teens, though the "big" do not understand, they are emotionally paralyzed by this problem and are difficult to interact with their peers.

Acne is the most common dermatosis, affecting 80% of the world population at some point in their lives. It is inconceivable that many people, including doctors, do not give this disease the attention it deserves, appealing generally to household treatments, often with negative results and to catastrophic.

Understanding the Acne
Acne is a skin disease of the hair follicle, from self-limited multifactorial etiology that primarily affects the skin areas with the highest density of sebaceous glands, from which we can include face, chest and upper back.

Causes a set of elementary lesions including comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and scars, whose presence will depend on the shape and intensity of clinical manifestation.

Although it is difficult to estimate prevalence, we could say that in Spain, between 2.5 and 3.5 million have some degree of acne, which makes it one of the most common skin diseases. Have a higher prevalence at puberty and adolescence, although it is not uncommon in children and adults. It occurs most often in Caucasians than in black or Oriental.

In adolescence appears to be more male, however in later ages, the ratio is reversed and the lesions may persist for more years or so later manifest itself many years, some doctors have considered the acne as "things age ", or banal and physiological process that requires no treatment.

This view has now changed, as the acne scars of a wrongly diagnosed and treated can become really important and limitations from the point of view of quality of life of the subject.

So we are now more aware of the need for an accurate diagnosis of each type of acne seeking proper treatment and individualized for each patient.

In Synthesis

Acne occurs when skin pores become blocked because the fat and skin cells accumulate faster than it can go. The blockage causes a follicle bulge (causing whiteheads) and the top of the obstruction may darken (causing blackheads). If the obstruction causes a break in the wall of the follicle, dead skin cells, fat and bacteria, normally found on the surface of the skin, can penetrate and form small infected areas called pustules. If these infected areas are deep in the skin may increase in size until it forms firm, painful cysts.

Acne is not caused by dirt, masturbation or other activities, but the dirt and grease on the face can aggravate the condition. Other factors that increase the chances of acne are hormonal changes, exposure to extreme weather conditions, stress, oily skin, endocrine disorders, certain tumors and the use of certain medications (such as cortisone, testosterone, estrogen and others).

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